john roberto book art and exclusion

Coming Soon: I have written an informative book about art and exclusion that will be published soon

I’m thrilled to announce that my upcoming book titled “Arte y Exclusión: Cuatro formas de exclusión en el arte” (Art and Exclusion: Four Forms of Exclusion in Art) will soon…
john roberto book humanities 2023

Contributing Author in the book “Digital Humanities, Corpus & Language Technology” (University of Groningen Press)

A look from diverse case studies is an outstanding collection of research contributions that explores the intersection of technology and the humanities. The authors provide a  comprehensive overview of how…
John Roberto book hipertext 2002

Delve into my Spanish article “The Museum-Interface and Its Relationship with Outsider Art” on

Starting from the concept of outsider art, this article deve-lops some of the ideas regarding the museum-interface proposed by Scolari in his book The Laws of the Interface. After briefly…
John Roberto book outsider

Author of a chapter on outsider art and language in the Spanish book “Sentir la profesión. Vivir la Lengua” (Costa Rica)

For many years, I have sought a way to incorporate language, computer science, and art into my professional activity. It has not been an easy task, as the goal was…
John Roberto book digital humanities 2020

Contributing Author in the book “Access and Control in Digital Humanities” (New York: Routledge Publisher)

Access, Control, and Dissemination in Digital Humanities. While DH is seen by some as especially interdisciplinary or more conducive to group work, linked data, and open research, including both access…
John Roberto book ICC

Author of the Spanish book “El procesamiento lingüístico de textos de Opinión” (The Caro y Cuervo Institute)

This book is about polarity analysis of reviews, that is, classifying reviews as either positive or negative based on linguistic evidence. I describe a genre-based approach for the polarity analysis…
John Roberto book rizomatico

Contributing Author in the book “Aprendizaje rizomático” (Ibero-American Cultural and Scientific Association)

⦁ Roberto, J. (2018). Aprendizaje rizomático basado en ontologías computacionales. In Acuña B. & Grandal M. (Eds.), Aprendizaje Rizomático (pp. 93-133). Spain: ACCI. ISBN: 9788417267940.
John Roberto book language learning 2018

Contributing Author in the book “Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Technology-Enhanced Language Learning” (IGI)

The ability to effectively communicate with individuals from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds is an invaluable asset. Learning a second language proves useful as students navigate the culturally diverse world;…