“Ontologies for e-Learning”: presentation (Spanish) at the Digidoc Group (Pompeu Fabra University)

John Roberto talk upf 2018

Summary of the paper I gave at the Digidoc Research Seminar that took place on Wednesday, June 13, 2018 at the Communication Campus of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, entitled Ontologies for e-Learning.

According to the Rhizomatic Learning model, the curriculum is not predefined by experts but is negotiated in real-time with those involved in the learning process. In this presentation, I describe how to apply computational ontologies for the automatic generation of real-time curricula.

The objective of the presentation has been to propose the implementation of the rhizomatic theory of learning. This implementation would represent domain knowledge, student knowledge, and social dynamics through computational ontologies. Currently, in scientific literature, there are multiple alternatives for representing domain knowledge in learning objects and student knowledge, primarily their learning style, in a student profile.

However, there is a significant gap in the possibility of incorporating social knowledge into a pedagogical model. From a technological perspective, the analysis of large social data sets provides a viable alternative to incorporate such knowledge. Access to platforms for data visualization and public APIs facilitates the real-time updating of any curriculum in response to changing environmental conditions.

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