The Cybermedia Observatory of the UPF refers to my presentation on ontologies and e-learning on its website

John Roberto observatorio cibermedios upf 2018

Automating processes for teaching and learning on distance education platforms and applying computer science ontologies to incorporate new pedagogical models into e-learning is a key focus. With this objective in mind, John Roberto, Ph.D. in Theoretical, Computational, and Applied Linguistics from the University of Barcelona, founder and director of the Marginarte project, and ICT advisor for municipalities, has developed a proposal to implement rhizomatic learning theory using computational ontologies that represent domain knowledge, student understanding, and social dynamics.

The researcher explained that, unlike domain-centric or student-centric models, where the curriculum is predefined by experts or personalized, rhizomatic learning involves a curriculum negotiated in real-time with those participating in the learning process.

Hence, his presented theoretical framework includes the use of algorithms to predict potential content of interest based on user profiles and even links with social networks to connect learning objects with current affairs.