

Hopinion is a corpus of opinions in Spanish. It contains 17,934 opinions (2,388,848 words), mainly about hotels, from the TripAdvisor website. The opinions are accompanied by linguistic information and metadata. Download Hopinion from here.

Please, cite this resource as follows: Roberto, John A., M. Antònia Martí, Maria Salomó (2012). ‘Análisis de la riqueza léxica en el contexto de la clasificación de atributos demográficos latentes’. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, Vol. 48: 97-104.


OntoArt is a computational ontology for the Outsider art domain, which encompasses around 7,819 concepts and over 6,000 axioms. The ontology of Outsider Art contains logical axioms based only on secondary data (books, magazines, papers, etc.). Download Hopinion from here.

Please, cite this resource as follows: Roberto, J. & Davis, B. (2020). Towards the Ontologization of the Outsider Art Domain: Position Paper. 16th Joint ACL – ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation at LREC 2020.


The Outsider Art Corpus, a collection of texts on Outsider art, exceeding a million words. Download OutCorpus from here.


AToP is a Java-based platform for Opinion Text Analysis, developed with the aim of facilitating the automatic analysis of product reviews in Spanish. Download AToP tool from here.

Please, cite this resource as follows: Roberto, J. (2016). Gender-Discourse Analysis Applied to Automatic Classification of Polarity in Customer Reviews. Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural, 56, pp 99-102.